
The non-partisan site that calls people out for being fools

CA University Teacher Singles Out, Bans Fox News as Research Source

It's incredible what teachers in state schools get away with these days. A friend of mine is taking a political science class taught by Dr. William Julius at California State University at Fullerton, better known as Cal State Fullerton.

One of his assignments was a paper on public policy. The assignment instructions went into detail about Excellent Sources, Acceptable Sources, and Unacceptable Sources.

While the Excellent Sources section listed "public opinion polls," he was shocked to find this little tidbit in the Unacceptable Sources section:

2. Any FOX News broadcast, publication, or public opinion poll

Accompanying Fox News in the Unacceptable Sources section was the Orange County Register, a local right-winged newspaper, which is what you get in a community that has consistently leaned Republican for its entire existence.

The fact that Fox News got singled out is appalling - no other broadcast news source was banned.

My friend wanted to ask why Fox News wasn't allowed as a source, but he smartly decided that instead, he'd rather keep his head down and just pass the class.

Chase Bank orders branch to remove Christmas tree

SOUTHLAKE -- Chase Bank told a Texas businessman to remove the Christmas tree he donated to a local branch because it could offend people.

Antonio Morales, owner of Bellagio Day Spa in Southlake northeast of Fort Worth had assembled and decorated a 9-foot-tall tree in the lobby of the Chase Bank branch at 1700 E. Southlake Boulevard as a favor to the branch manager, who is one of his clients.

The tree remained in the lobby from the Monday before Thanksgiving until Tuesday. Morales said his friend called him Wednesday to tell him the tree had to go. She later showed him an e-mail from JPMorgan Chase saying that the tree had to be removed because some people were offended by it.

Greg Hassell, a JPMorgan Chase spokesman, said that the company's policy isn't anti-Christmas. "People wish their customers merry Christmas when it's appropriate," he said.

However, to ensure that everyone who visits Chase branches feels welcome and comfortable, the bank's policy is to use only decorations supplied by the company.

"We appreciate the thoughtful gesture from Mr. Morales," Hassell said. "Unfortunately, we're unable to keep it [the tree] on display for the remainder of the holiday season." JPMorgan Chase ensures that decorations are "something everyone is comfortable with, regardless of how they celebrate the season," Hassell said.

But others see the tree as a symbol of the season.

A spokeswoman at Trinity Bank in Fort Worth said it has had a tree in its lobby since the Friday after Thanksgiving.

"I've been in this business more than 30 years, and every place I've worked we've put up a Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving," said Linda Robertson, assistant vice president.

Bryan Fischer, director of issue analysis for the American Family Association, called Chase's decision absurd.

"According to Advertising Age, 91 percent of American people celebrate Christmas," Fischer said. "That means that the single most inoffensive thing you can do at this time of year is wish someone a merry Christmas."

Fischer said that companies that have gotten away from acknowledging Christmas claim that they do it because they want to be inclusive.

"The most inclusive thing you can do is wish someone merry Christmas," he said. "This means that Chase is running the risk of offending far more people by disrespecting Christmas than they are by honoring it."

Hassell said that the Southlake branch was supplied with stickers that resemble Christmas lights. Company-supplied decorations vary at other branches, he said.

"Normally they're small, not intrusive. I'm not sure this [Morales'] Christmas tree was intrusive. That's not really the issue here. It isn't a company-supplied decoration."

Hassell said the policy has been around for a few years, and that decorations change every year.

Morales said that he enjoys the Christmas season so much that he decorated 35 trees at his home.

"I'm known for my Christmas trees," he said.

In fact, Morales shared his talent this season with his landlord, a plastic surgeon.

"I put a tree up in his office," he said. "It doesn't offend him, and he's Jewish."

It never ceases to amaze me how politically correct people try to be in this country. If a Christmas tree isn't acceptable - a holiday symbol that isn't even necessarily associated with a religion - then how are ANY other decorations? Why can other religions have displays for their special occasions? Are they somehow less offensive? This has got to stop.

That pesky Constitution! Senator Jay Rockefeller wants to shut down MSNBC and Fox News.

Democratic Senator Jay Rockefeller voiced that he wanted to have MSNBC and Fox News shut down. Rockefeller says they're impeding the ability of Congress to get work done. Unfortunately for him, that notion violates the First Amendment to the United States Constitution which prohibits the government from infringing on freedom of the press. Looks like somebody needs a refresher on the laws that govern this country!

Also in the above clip, Rockefeller states, "We need to find a way to provide greater value to television viewers at lower cost." Can anyone tell me where in his job description it says that he's supposed to help provide greater value to television viewers? I didn't realize being a Senator also put you on the marketing board for the cable companies.


Pelosi: ‘We Didn’t Lose Because of Me’

Getty Images

“We didn’t lose the election because of me,” Ms. Pelosi told National Public Radio in an interview that aired Friday morning. “Our members do not accept that.”

“The reason they had to take me down is because I’ve been effective in fighting special interests in Washington, D.C.,” Ms. Pelosi said, citing the health insurance and financial services industries. “I’m effective. They had to take me out. I’m also the most significant attractor to support for the Democrats.”

Nancy Pelosi wins today's Douche of the Day award, not because of whether or not her statements are accurate, but because she stated them at all. Sensible people would realize it's not polite to tell others about how great you are.

Reminds me of someone else's humility, also referenced on this blog.